Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Over There" Acrylic on Canvas

"Over There" is a landscape using acrylic on canvas. This piece, like my other landscapes, is worked from a photograph. In this chapter of my life, my days are blessed and filled with the wonderment only a two year old can bring. My career at this point is being a full time, stay at home, Domestic Goddess. Acting as the deity of home decor and culinary master, "Plein Air" painting comes later in my life. For now, I balance motherhood and painting as such: My son Maddox and I will take a little drive, or long one for that matter to hunt and gather "material" for me to use in a painting. We venture in to the unknown of southern New Jersey in our Jetta, camera at the ready. This may be a shock, but, NJ is nicknamed the Garden State for a reason. The majority of southern Jersey is quite beautiful. Lots of rolling green fields and farmscapes (some working, some slated for suburban development). The abandoned farm houses stand destitute and dilapidated. The fields are still full of grasses and maybe even hay or wheat. All waiting to be plowed under and have McNeighborhoods built upon a once beautiful 200 year old farm.

As dedicated to Pennsylvania as I am, New Jersey has some of the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen. It may be a false memory, but I am willing to bet that the green fields of Burlington County are some of the most beautiful in the state.
This along with the next landscape, are from my collection of photographs taken from the the farmlands of New Jersey.

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